So You Want to be Home by 11:00 on
                                  League Night…



Show up at 7, start on time & STILL don’t finish until well after midnight.  Late nights cause many players to give up leagues in the face of early morning work schedules. Can anything be done?  Absolutely!  The rules & guidelines are already in place but it’s up to teams & players to make it happen. 


#1 Time Saver - Split tables (rule: You must split tables if not in the 4th match 2 hrs after scheduled match time, unless no 2nd table available or both teams agree not to split.)  Time saved: as much as 1 – 2 hrs.


Still think you’re stuck with late nights when it’s not possible to split tables, right?  Wrong!  You may be surprised to see how much time you save just by following the rules.


#2 Be ready to play (rule: Continuous play.) Eat, drink, potty, go outside, put cues together, practice, make calls, etc., before you’re called.  Time saved: 5 min. per match for 3 of 5 matches.  Total saved = 15 min.


      #3 Put players up quickly (guideline: 2 min. to put up a player.)  There’s no reason the team putting up 1st can’t make that decision before the end of the previous match saving an additional 2 min. per match. Total saved = 20 min. (If each team takes 3 min., that’s 2 extra min. per match.)


#4 Go to the table when it’s your turn (rule: Continuous play.) 10 seconds may not seem like much, but…2 players get about 20 turns in an avg. match…that’s 40 x the 10 second savings for a total of 6 min. per match.  Total saved = 30 min.


#5 Timely shots (guideline: 20 sec. per shot, on avg.)  The winner of a 9-ball match needs 30 points, on avg.  We’ll say 25 successful shots, plus 20 misses.  The winner alone will take an extra 225 seconds (almost 6 min.) by averaging just 5 seconds over the guideline.  If the loser takes ½ as many shots at 5 seconds more than the guideline, each match is lasting 9 min. longer.  Total saved = 45 min.


#6 Limit time-outs to 1 min. (guideline: Coaching/time outs should not exceed 1 min.) Let’s say you take 2 minutes per time out.  In each match, there are probably an average of 4 time outs per player.  That’s 40 time outs.  Total saved = 40 min.


Now add up all the time you saved in #2-6 above…150 min. or 2 ½ hrs.  Instead of finishing league play at 1 AM, you’d be getting home by 11 PM. 


Still think it’s BS?  Maybe your team only has 1 or 2 of the issues above?  These estimates are conservative.  Consider the effect of taking 40 sec. per shot or try calculating 5-min. time outs.


So if you’re frustrated over late nights try simply following the rules & guidelines and cut 1 - 2 hrs off your match time. Remember, once you & your team have decided on a course of action, practice makes perfect…like any other fundamental skill. Then it’s up to you how long to stay out!